Choosing a Realtor

Why I Should Be Your Realtor®

If you’re in the market to buy or sell property, you have a ton of choices in agents. In a destination location such as southern Arizona, you don’t need to go far to see real estate brokerage signs, meet real estate agents, or receive flyers and direct mail from agents. Many will tell you they can get a sale price for your listing or purchase price for your dream home that almost seems too good to be true – and it might be.

So, how do you select that partner for what is probably the highest dollar transaction any of us will take part in? Is it because you meet a friend of a friend who is an agent or go with the one whose signs and photos you see everywhere? Is the agent with the most “seniority” your best choice? Only you know what appeals to you and what qualities you’re looking for. But before you make that selection, take a moment and consider what I and my clients believe sets us apart.

I have had a full career working with people as individuals and in the small business and corporate environments. My background in marketing, technology, and management has taught me how to listen, communicate, and analyze a wide spectrum of facts and figures. Here are the precepts I have found to be critical to successful relationships and transactions:

  1. I am a consultant, not  a convincer. I’m happiest when I bring you the information and advice you need to make an informed decision. I don’t subscribe to making you believe that my opinion is the best for you. I simply listen to what you want, put in the time to research and gather the facts you need, and allow you to choose.
  2. I am a marketer. I work with you to present your property through descriptions and photos, word of mouth, and open houses. You may hear that open houses are only self-serving for the agent, but I believe they are an important method of educating prospective buyers. This is where I can go beyond the words in the listing and relate the characteristics of your property to what the buyer is looking for. Conversely, I represent you as a buyer and interpret some of the marketing terms used to give you an understanding of the pros and cons of each property.
  3. I am a communicator. My experience and knowledge are worthless unless I effectively communicate with you. There are many avenues of communication and that is one of the first things we decide on as we establish our relationship. And, we agree on not only the method of communication but also the frequency. Too many calls or emails can be just as ineffective as too few.
  4. I believe in relationships. In any line of work there are those who focus solely on the sale – always running to the next opportunity. I’m convinced that long-term success comes from taking a higher view of my contributions to your buying or selling experience – treating you as I would want to be treated and doing everything I can to help you meet your goals. Your satisfaction with my work is the best reward for my efforts.
  5. I believe in honesty and integrity. I have chosen this career with every intent of being successful financially – but only in conducting business the right way. If my recommendation for your listing price is lower than others, we will discuss why but we won’t inflate the price (and your expectations) just to get your business. If you’re considering a particular purchase, I’ll give you my honest assessment – even if it isn’t exactly what you want to hear. As my client, I owe you that and truthfully, I owe that to myself as well.

If these principles of how I work are what you’re looking for, let’s continue the discussion. My approach may not be the best fit for everyone, but if it is for you I’ll work hard, laugh some, and complete your real estate transaction timely and accurately. Thanks for letting me have some of your time to share my thoughts and let me know when you’re ready to proceed!

Kathy Harrell

Discover Your Home in Southern Arizona!